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The Unexpected Prince
The Unexpected Prince Read online
Copyright © 2021 Teresa L Grant
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Book 2 of Dividing Dragons
‘He who controls the fire within, being of nobility, wearing the lost crown upon his head, and having the blood of ‘Rhom the Conqueror’ flowing freely through his veins, shall tip the Scales, should balance need be restored.’
Chapter 1
Note to the reader: As in Book 1, all Dragon speech is in bold for easier reading.
To the South a great darkness was growing. Dwarves, Elves, and all the men of the South had been fighting long and hard to keep it at bay, but it grew stronger every day. Although they fought a war impossible to win, what they actually fought for was time. Time for the Queen to mature. Unbeknownst to them, their job was to divert any attention away from Elise Alexandrea Sharmaine Duprane, Queen of Neglavale and Arilonia, fulfiller of prophecies.
Years had gone by while they fought together. Finally, a small victory had been won. The main source of all their torment had been discovered in an old volcano in the South. Most of the brush and trees had been cleared, not only to help with surveillance, but to use as fuel for the large army camped along its skirts. It had been a few months now since the discovery, with little more progress than keeping the filth that kept pouring out of the enormous front gates, from getting past them and out into the world. It had become a stalemate, the filth could not get past the armies, nor could the armies get past the massive gates in the side of the mountain. There was no rhyme or reason, or even organization to the masses breaking out every day. The only constant being, was that the more they killed, the more came forth.
Once again, the defenders were gathered in the command tent discussing strategies as they frequently did when the fighting let up. Being the unappointed leader and ‘peacekeeper’ between the different factions of armies gathered here, Fynlaylyn stated gravely, “Comrades, I have a confession to make.” He was an Elf that had been present at the birth of the Queen. He had been instrumental in keeping her destiny at bay for as long as he possibly could, but her time had finally come.
Everyone in the command tent fell silent, with the exception of course of Branadon’s cousins. Branadon was Queen Elise’s Champion back in Neglavale. His cousins here, were short men, with short tempers, and uncommonly large personalities.
“I still say we need to dig under the mountain!” Borris, youngest of the cousins, hollered at his brother. The two had been at each other’s throats all day. “Or blast a hole in the side of it. We’d soon have the Witch out of there.”
“Are you a moron or what?” Faradon, the oldest of the cousins asked him. “The witch is the least of our problems right now. I tell you, there’s something more needs doing then simply burning a witch!”
As they slowly noticed the room had gone quiet, they finally acknowledged Fynlaylyn, patiently waiting for their attention. They stopped their argument long enough to ask, “What is it Elf? Are you finally gonna tell us what secret weapon you’ve been holding back all these years? Ha! I’m beginning to think you’ve got nothing! We were here for the start of this mess, remember? And we’ll be the ones to finish it off. Never leave a man to do a Dwarf’s job, I say!”
This outburst of course started another volley of insults and accusations around the war room. Patience was worn thin over the years and the defenders were beginning to turn on each other. It always started out as comradely ribbing, but always ended like this. Some of them had grown old fighting this war and were weary of it.
Nevertheless, Fynlaylyn would always have his say. Lifting his arms, he caused the fire in the lamps that lit the room to triple in size. His voice, usually so calm and melodious, rose tenfold.
“Silence! Enough of this bickering! It is finally time!” he boomed, snapping the room to attention. “Some of you may remember a journey many years ago,” he began, as his voice gradually returned to normal. He made eye contact with a few of the older men, and some of the Dwarves as he continued. “Back then, we still held hope strong in our hearts. Some of that hope sank with the death of a Princess… Well, what we did not tell you then, was the delegation sent at that time had put our hopes in the wrong Princess! They expected her to bare a son who would grow up to fulfill the prophecies. Instead, a girl was born, and our lead went cold.
“I tell you now, the baby born on that fateful night is the one we’ve been waiting for. I helped raise the child. I saw her worth. Others have played a hand in helping her along the way to achieve her higher purpose, but she now brings another ally to our cause. An ally, who all but a very few, have thought only to be in legends, long since gone from this earth.
“I leave now to fetch the young Queen and her companion. I only pray that I have waited long enough for her to be ready, but not so long that I’ve left it too late.”
Fynlaylyn then strode purposefully from the room as Sir Cameron, leader of the men, calmly turned to Faradon. Instantly comrades in arms again, he stated, “After all these years, and everything we’ve been through, you would think that at least one of us could figure out what the hell that Elf is talking about.”
Laughing, Borris elbowed Faradon in the ribs and answered for his cousin, “I think he said he was going to fetch us a woman!”
“Think of it, men,” Faradon added, turning to the assembly with a straight face, “we can all hang up our swords. All this time… hell… all we really needed was a bitty little Princess.”
Someone else added a few more lewd comments and asked why none of them had thought of this earlier. Although none of them put much stock in what Fynlaylyn had said, at least the absurdity of it all, served to reunite the entire room once more. Some of them strutted about mimicking the way they imagined a Princess would go about saving them all. It was many tankards of ale later, and far into the night, before they all turned in. A great deal of stress had been released, but that did not change the fact that the next day would bring a fresh batch of demonic creatures out of the gates of hell.
As the assembly bid their good nights, they couldn’t help but reflect seriously, that maybe, if Fynlaylyn believed in this woman and her ally, that maybe, just maybe, she might yet prove to make a difference.
Chapter 2
Back in Neglavale, all hell had broken loose. Elise had Divided the Dragons and their Shifters and effectively ended the war.
Lord Slater, warlock and Elise’s arch nemesis, had had minutes to make his escape. Dragons were appearing everywhere, there was no hope but retreat. His grand plan to control the Dragons and become King of Neglavale, lay in ashes. His mother would once again be disappointed.
Being the kind of man he was, upon arriving at any new location, his first priority had always been to plan an escape route from every vantage point. It had gotten him out of many a tight spot before, and today was no exception.
Once out of the castle, he stole a cloak hanging in a nearby doorway and used it to conceal his identity. He rushed towards the gates dodging the melee. He even managed to gather a small contingent of his own men along the way, and together they made it to the docks. There, Lord Slater found a small fishing vessel tied near the shore. The group was already past the wizard Argra’s island before the horrendous noises from the castle began to die down.
/> Knowing the Dragons would soon be searching for him, Lord Slater quickly covered the small vessel with a shielding spell to make them blend in with the waves around them. In no time at all, they had left Neglavale far behind.
As luck would have it, the mighty Dragon, Drake, was spotted flying over the water towards them. Until he dropped Lord Slater’s cousin, Kathrin, in the path of the fleeing vessel, they had been worried about being spotted. Reluctantly, she was rescued from drowning. As they sailed, Lord Slater complained incessantly to his cousin. “That Bitch, Elise! I can’t believe that Arilonian witch is responsible for dividing those Dragons. How did she do it? She’s not even a sorceress!” The ranting continued the entire length of the journey. Kathrin had been married, very, very briefly, to Rylan, the Prince of Neglavale. Drake, King of the Dragon’s idea of an annulment, was dropping her into the ocean to what he thought would be her death.
Lord Slater knew where he had to go now. When they reached the shores, he bid farewell to Lady Kathrin with instructions for her to return to his estate, and keep it running until his return. He had something else to take care of first.
It was time to face his mother.
On her last visit she had been utterly furious with him for still being unable to procure the crown of Arilonia. He had sought to placate her by taking Neglavale’s crown instead. Now he had to face her with the news that Elise had somehow bested him once more.
He still could not understand his mother’s ridiculous obsession with Elise. It was beginning to grate on his nerves, and it was time to put an end to it. He would never be as powerful as his mother, but he had learned a thing or two, and thought he just might be able to make her proud of him yet. To that end, he had been practicing magic a lot more. If nothing else, she would have to give him credit for that. Always, he was trying to live up to his mother’s expectations.
Little did he know, just now, she was planning on helping him along with that.
Chapter 3
After years of plotting, scheming, sabotaging, and murder, Angelica’s goal was finally in sight. Was it really more than twenty years she’d been at this now? Time did fly when you were having fun. Causing Elise’s mother Natalia’s death, started the ball rolling and there had been a stream of blood running ever since.
Angelica, Sedric Slater’s mother, sat and stewed. She had more power than her father ever dreamed of. Things were at a standoff and she was growing weary of the monotony of daily battle. No matter what she threw at these bastards, they just would not quit. Bad enough she had endured constant reminders over the years of how Elise’s father, Allen, was a descendant of the sickening hero, but to be constantly thwarted by Rhom from the grave was downright infuriating. She had thought that by having a son with Allen, they could then fulfil the prophecy, but that had been a dead end. Then she tried to have her son marry Elise, but that had been ruined. She had dedicated her entire life to fulfilling that stupid prophecy!
When she had first found the volcano that housed the passages through to Garr’s Scale, she was so proud of herself, she’d simply beamed.
Causing The Scales to appear in this world as a tangible object was shear genius on her part. But, that damn Rhom was yet again a thorn in her side. Long ago, he had hidden The Scales and created guardians to watch over the valves that moderated the flow of good and evil into each side.
Her informants had warned her how her simpleton son had even blown his latest chances with the Dragons of Neglavale and disappointed her yet again. He would naturally be on his way here to whine about it. Had he succeeded; it would have made things so much easier for her to just overpower her enemies. Nevertheless, she had a new plan now. One her son could not possibly fuck up. If she couldn’t use the grandson she was supposed to have gotten from the union of Sedric and Elise, maybe using her son just might do the trick. The blood was of course watered down a few times, but still, there was a tiny bit of Rhom in there…
Standing in one of her drawing rooms she had created in the depths of the volcano, she thought again of how far she had come. Garr had made sure no one would be able to tamper with the Scales of Good and Evil again. His first obstacle of sending them into another dimension was difficult enough to reverse, but that stupid guardian he left at the valve on the evil side was another thing altogether. Every evil minion she sent down there was destroyed in an instant. It kept blubbering about them not being Rhom. No matter how many demons she pulled from that side of The Scale, the guardian would only allow that exact amount out of the valve to refill the giant bowl and keep things balanced. She wanted the thing tipped over! She wanted a never-ending flow. She wanted and avalanche to sweep away the masses that surrounded her! She wanted to fill the world with evil that only she could command!
“Mother, it’s me, Sedric,” Lord Slater called out from one of the secret entrances as he came into view. He never allowed anyone to call him by his first name, except of course his mother.
Angelica turned to him, feigning an affectionate greeting, “Sedric dear, whatever are you doing here, and how did you get past all that rabble on my front porch?”
“Mother, surely you have more faith in me than that by now?” Sedric asked her grinning. “I thought you would have been rid of them by now.”
Slater had no way of knowing how much his words pricked at his mother. Any remorse for what she was about to attempt flew out the window with that last remark. Who the Hell did he think he was, questioning her power like that? He would be regretting his words very shortly.
“Come Sedric dear,” she beckoned him, “let me show you what mommy’s been up to. I am so glad you’re here. Only you can help me with my little problem.”
Leading Sedric up the steep flight of stairs they entered a long room. It was filled with mirrors along both sides. A large desk sat at the end of the room with a beautiful gilded mirror behind it. “Don’t forget to pay your respects to your father dear,” Angelica encouraged as they neared the desk.
Chapter 4
The Elf, Fynlaylyn, had arrived in Neglavale and was trying to get Elise and her best friend, Darion, on their way. Darion was her husband’s Dragon Shifter Partner before the Divide. Fynlaylyn was trying to bring them to join the forces camped outside Angelica’s volcano. He was adamant that as few as possible should initially accompany them. He wanted to keep their mission from being detected for as long as possible.
Rylan, Elise’s very recent husband, and now King of Neglavale, wanted to send a whole fleet of Dragons with them, but Fynlaylyn argued that the time was not yet right. They were much too valuable, and should be held in reserve, should they be needed in the war to come. His only concession was letting one more Dragon come along. After Fynlaylyn had tried his first Dragon flight to get to Neglavale from Arilonia, he conceded that it was the fasted way to travel and was looking forward to the experience again.
After much hurried deliberation, it was decided, well, Drake decided, that he would be the one to go along and consented to carry Fynlaylyn. Drake was the Dragon King of Neglavale, the most fearsome Dragon in the land. He and Elise’s husband Rylan, co-ruled the two races in Neglavale now that they were a divided species instead of Shifters.
“The Dragons respect you Rylan. They will follow you while I am away,” Drake assured him.
They both knew he would have his hands full leading an army while trying to keep these headstrong creatures under control. Truth be told, Rylan was very glad that Drake insisted on going. After his own initial attempts to accompany them, having the old war veteran go instead, helped ease his worried mind. Rylan knew both Elise and Darion were seasoned in battle, but he could not bear the thought of losing either one of them.
Before they left, Darion took Rylan aside. “I know what you’re going to say old friend. I did not live within you for that long without knowing your mind as well as your heart. I give you my word I will bring her back to you, even if there is but one breath left in me. We have not come this far, she and I, to not see it thro
ugh. But Rylan, should she return without me…”
“I know Darion, Silina will be taken care of. She is family,” Rylan assured him. Silina was Darion’s mate, a beautiful feisty silver Dragon.
“If it does come to an all-out war, do you think you could convince her…?”
“No, I don’t think! I can bloody well assure you,” cried Rylan, “she would fly up to the front lines and march right through them. So, don’t even ask me to try and keep her home. We don’t have chains thick enough to hold her back. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. If you don’t return, Silina will be with me at the head of our army, so let that be another reason for the two of you to be careful and return home safely.”
Rejoining the others, they could see all was ready. Rylan could not bear to say goodbye to Elise. Even now, when there was so much more he wanted to say, he was speechless. Only hours before their whole future was ahead of them, and now this could very well be his last moments with her.
How do you sum up the rest of your life in a few short minutes, he thought.
Taking her into his arms, he brushed the tears running freely down her face with the tips of his fingers and held her close.
“I love you, Elise. You are my world.”
With one more lingering kiss, he let her go.
Just footsteps away, he could already feel the void in his heart expanding as she mounted Darion and they leapt from the rooftop of their castle.
Elise hadn’t said a word. There was a lump stuck so firmly in her throat she thought she would choke on it. How could she leave without saying a word? This was madness. With each wing beat she felt more suffocated. It felt as though she was going to be sick right there on Darion’s back. At least that put all thought of leaving Rylan on hold, as she tried hard not to disgrace herself in front of Darion, Drake and Fynlaylyn.